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Final conference

The project has concluded. But it is time to keep going on!
Dimarts 19/06/2018
The project has concluded. But it is time to keep going on!
The Ethics4Sports project has facilitated the collaboration of seven organizations from five European countries in an area that is both interesting and important as is the ethical behavior of the youngest. In this case, we have worked in the world of grassroot sports, and have allowed us to advance significantly towards a greater ethical awareness, in a process of continuous improvement that helps to continue working after the end of the project.

The closing event took place in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Catalonia) on June 19 2018, and was attended by, besides the project partners, various personalities from the world of sports and athletes. The youngest athletes were added at the end, turning the event into a party.
Final conference - conference room
Final conference - conference room
Final conference - Scuola di Pallavolo Anderlini
Final conference - Scuola di Pallavolo Anderlini
Final conference - ERG Iserlohn
Final conference - ERG Iserlohn
Final conference - Université de Rennes 2
Final conference - Université de Rennes 2
Final conference - University of Leicester
Final conference - University of Leicester
Final conference - A.F.C.Barwell
Final conference - A.F.C.Barwell
Final conference - Sport Coordinator of Barcelona provincial government
Final conference - Sport Coordinator of Barcelona provincial government
Final conference - Sant Cugat Sport Councillor
Final conference - Sant Cugat Sport Councillor
Final conference - Sant Cugat Mayoress
Final conference - Sant Cugat Mayoress
Final conference - group
Final conference - group
Partners del projecte

Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: Sport
Action type: Support to Collaborative Partnerships
Call: EAC-A04-2014
Project title: Ethics4Sports
Project acronym: E4S
Application Nr:  567220-EPP-1-2015-2-ES-SPO-SCP
Grant agreement Nº:  2015 – 3769 / 001 – 001

Profile in Europeal Comission




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