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AFC Barwell

is a highly successful grassroots football club for young people, that has developed and published its own club philosophy document and code of conduct, and a coaches' guide too.
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About AFC Barwell

The name ‘Barwell' literally translates as "Stream of the Boar" and is said to originate from a boar that drank from the well near a brook in Barwell.  AFC Barwell today hosts around 300 local children from a wide range of social backgrounds who play football within the club from the ages of 3 to 18 years. They are coached by around 35 volunteer coaches and supported by a group of local volunteer administrators.  AFC Barwell's partner adult senior football club Barwell FC plays in the Northern Premier League, and Barwell's children's teams play in local county leagues.

Since 2013, AFC Barwell's home has been a purpose-built sports complex in the village. The £700,000 build cost was largely grant-aided by the Football Foundation with the support of Barwell Parish Council. The ground has modern and well equipped club houses and some of the best playing surfaces found anywhere in Leicestershire. This new complex is a fantastic asset, allowing AFC Barwell to provide the highest standards possible for its young players.

AFC Barwell has recently developed and published its own club philosophy document and code of conduct. They have also created a coaches' guide and both of these documents can be found on the club's official website

AFC Barwell are constantly striving to improve offerings from the football club both on and off the field to create the best environment possible for children to learn the game, develop on a personal level and to do so always with high standards of sportsmanship. The club is committed to reviewing its policies and documents annually to be sure they cover all key issues that arise within a grassroots club. This proposed international project is an excellent way to help extend the club's knowledge and contacts and to provide further development with its own policies but, more than this, it will also allow trans-national learning and help to other grassroots sports clubs around Europe.

Partners del projecte

Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: Sport
Action type: Support to Collaborative Partnerships
Call: EAC-A04-2014
Project title: Ethics4Sports
Project acronym: E4S
Application Nr:  567220-EPP-1-2015-2-ES-SPO-SCP
Grant agreement Nº:  2015 – 3769 / 001 – 001

Profile in Europeal Comission




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Tots els drets reservats - 2016