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It is a non-for-profit association of Sant Cugat sporting clubs, that created an Ethics Code in 2014.
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About Sant Cugat Creix

The aim of the association is:

  • To represent the non-for-profit clubs of the city, and provide them with a global and comprehensive system of training from initiation categories to high-competition teams;
  • Represent all its members in the defence, promotion and training in sport, as well as other collective actions for a social benefit;
  • Provide the city of Sant Cugat with an actor that preserves this sport model oriented to formation and training;
  • Promote the visibility of the city through sport;

Besides these statutory roles, it is crucial to highlight the recent conception and development of an Ethic Code by Sant Cugat Creix.

With the key participation of the Municipality of Sant Cugat and other stakeholders, the association presented its first Code during a seminar organised in October 24th 2014. The Ethic Code is a Decalogue to run the organization and applies to all stakeholders, focusing on the spreading of ethical values through sport activities.

The association considers E4S as a unique occasion to develop more ambitious plans aiming at improving the content of the code and at ensuring a proper implementation and evaluation of its enforcement.


Sant Cugat Creix represents more than:








teams bringing the city name. 


    Partners del projecte

    Programme: Erasmus+
    Key action: Sport
    Action type: Support to Collaborative Partnerships
    Call: EAC-A04-2014
    Project title: Ethics4Sports
    Project acronym: E4S
    Application Nr:  567220-EPP-1-2015-2-ES-SPO-SCP
    Grant agreement Nº:  2015 – 3769 / 001 – 001

    Profile in Europeal Comission




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