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E4S FairPlay Roller Hockey Tournament

Del 22/04/2017 al 23/04/2017

Germany based ERG Iserlohn e.V. invited U15 Teams from Düsseldorf, Wasquehal (France), U15 Women's Roller Hockey Team Germany, Darmstadt, Valkenswart (Netherlands), ERGI I and ERGI II, to spread out their new Ethics Code. This code should guide our behaviour as athletes, as parents of athletes, as coaches, as managers, in short, as people, and should point out behaviour that we should value as indispensable. With this Roller Hockey Tournament ERG Iserlohn e.V. hoped to inform other clubs in grassroots sports about the E4S project and to encourage them to follow it.



Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_I
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_I
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_III
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_III
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_II
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_II
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_IV
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_IV
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_VIII
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_VIII
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_VI
Iserlohn Tournament april 2017_VI
Project partners

Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: Sport
Action type: Support to Collaborative Partnerships
Call: EAC-A04-2014
Project title: Ethics4Sports
Project acronym: E4S
Application Nr:  567220-EPP-1-2015-2-ES-SPO-SCP
Grant agreement Nº:  2015 – 3769 / 001 – 001

Profile in Europeal Comission




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